I am a seeker of joy, a change agent, up-lifter and writer. I can only speak from my own experiences and observations in life.
my article on, the power of self love, available on Thriveglobal.com In in a section called, Small but powerful things that are bringing us hope right now. Thrive global routinely poses questions to it's contributors. The most recent one that I participated in: What small things are bringing you hope right now? I replied along with many other uplifters and under the heading, The momentum we're building, I am quoted as saying, "What brings me relief and eternal hope is my belief that all people are inherently good. I also trust that under today's unrest there is a strong current of love that is bubbling up from the depths of humanity. There's a momentum building from people from all walks of life. Keeping this in mind brings me hope."
2020 October Breast Cancer Awareness month I partnered with my beautiful friend Coz at Rosie's Bakery for a masked book signing. It was a wonderful day and I met the most inspiring people!
2020 January kicked off the year at the Oregon Public Library! Then Covid had other plans for my speaking engagements. I'm available for virtual speaking engagements, so please click the contact button next to my photo by The Karissa Wendt Studio. There is good in the grieving process, so let's begin it together
I recently wrote a poem called Judy's Love for a dear friend of mine and was given permission to post it on my website. I will be posting other pieces but today enjoy, Judy's Love.
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." I first discovered Dr. Love during my college years and was immediately hooked, yes hooked on love! I embrace this man's philosophy and hope to perpetuate it all these years after his transition. Love never goes out of style!
My personal favorite! An American poet, which makes me proud of America! A memoirist, and civil rights activist. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning over 50 years. I love finding an interview or podcast and just listening to her voice.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle was my introduction to his writing and teachings. I recently read his book, A New Earth and it has transformed my views in such a positive and compelling manner. I often enjoy listening to his podcasts and interviews which are truely inspiring.
Time Magazine named Deepak Chopra one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and called him "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine." With more than 70 books, this world-renown alternative medicine physician has inspired millions interested in holistic health, spirituality, conscious evolution, peace and creating a more compassionate, peaceful, just and sustainable world. I cannot get enough of Deepak and fortunately his body of work is extensive!
I have been a student of Joesph Campbell for many years there is a treasure trove of material published as, The Power of Myth, as a result of over 27 hours of interviews with Bill Moyers of PBS who quotes Joseph, "If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are — if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time. " Discerning one’s bliss, Campbell said, requires a space for uninterrupted reflection and unrushed creative work or a Sacred Space. I encourage you to find yours!
I first discovered Dr. Dyer, like many of us, by watching him on PBS, especially during their fund drives. I've spent countless hours listening, reading and watching this beautiful man and absorbing his philosophies and teachings.
I recently came across Esther aka Abraham Hicks, which is brought to us by Jerry and Esther Hicks., when I was listening to a podcast interview. I liked what I heard so I did a search and found a wealth of free YouTube videos and podcasts to enjoy. Next I signed up for a conference in Chicago, September of 2019 and the teachings resonated with me, the simple wisdom of these teachings are life changing and wonderful.
In my youth a book was given to me, the book that is pictured in fact, A Tear and A Smile by Kahlil Gibran. The title peace I have always adored and live by it's beautiful wisdom. Later I bought his book entitled, The Prophet, which is wonderful, in fact he wrote many books! Kahlil is a beautiful poet who I read often and he brings me joy with his lovely verses.
Rumi who was a poet of the highest order in the 13th century is quoted often today. His gift for simple wisdom is extraordinary. He embarked upon a mystical journey of spiritual ascent through mind and love to the Perfect One. In this journey, the seeker symbolically turns towards the truth, grows through love, abandons the ego, finds the truth and arrives at the Perfect. We can all achieve this if want to the journey is within. One of my favorite Rumi quotes is, "Be like a tree, let the dead leaves drop" in part it's a basis of my book to embrace the grieving process and move forward, spring will always follow winter my friends.
Thich Nhat Hanh was clearly read Rumi, his quote, "Do not lose yourself in the past. Do not lose yourself in the future. Do not get caught in your anger, worries, or fears. Come back to the present, and touch life deeply. This is mindfulness. I discover Thich in college many moons ago and he is one of my staples! He is one of our leaders of mindfulness and has been a prolific, gorgeous writer. His final lesson is on making his transition of which I speak a great deal about. If you are struggling with life, pick up a book written by this mindfulness master.
I am not a grief counselor or expert of any sort, I am a poet. I have written various pieces over the years to understand my own sorrow and to process the strong emotions that can flood you when there has been a loss.
My Mission
It is good to grieve; for tears are the pressure valve to the soul and can bring you relief. By allowing yourself time to grieve properly you can then become free to move on and embrace all that is life.
I created a Journal Edition of my book in order to provide a more interactive experience.
Both versions of the book are available on Amazon and many other online venues. I personally love the Journal Edition as journaling is part of my own process. I want for you to embrace your grieving process in order to move forward.
The author and poet, Deb Rosman, was (and is) a dear friend of mind. Life got in the way and we lost contact with each other. Year later, my mother has advanced dementia and I feel like there is a black cloud over my life right now. I didn't realize it was possible to grieve someone who is still alive. Perhaps is was divine intervention that made me think of Deb one day and found her through the internet and began to reconnect. I didn't know she published a book. I especially didn't know it was a book on a subject that I've been struggling with. This book has helped me put things in perspective a bit and be grateful for my wonderful mother but also knowing that this is a process that could be unending. It, at least, lets me know that my grief is real and that there are other loving people going through the same thing as me. Her book is wonderfully personal, funny, heartwarming, and right on point when it comes to love and loss. Patrick H.
Patrick, thank you so much for your generous words! Love, De
She told me after reading my book, "It was so lovely, like a warm blanket by the fire."
Maureen, this means so much coming for you my talented writer-actor friend! Love Deb
I've heard that some of you who are kind enough to purchase my book and/or download via Amazon are finding it difficult to review my book. If this sounds familiar please contact me on this site and I will be happy to share. I recently noticed that Google has a place you can like me or leave a review!
We researched this and it is an Amazon policy if you are not a Prime Member then you must have a minimum purchase of $50 in order to leave a review.
That said I encourage you to contact me directly and let me know if it is alright to share your review on my website!
As always thank you for your interest.
Published via Ingram Spark November of 2019. I am so very excited about the Journal Edition as I feel so strongly about the importance of embracing the grieving process.
This book is available with many wonderful online venues all over the world as grieving is universal. My wish for you is to find relief in the grieving process, you are not alone.
What a lovely quote, thank you Sally. "I love this book! I myself have been struggling with grief and loss and this book has helped me feel comfort and taught me how to better handle emotions that i have been dealing with. I can't wait for her next book!
Sally B."
"Deb's prose is elegant and calculated while also naturally fluid. This collection is like sitting with a friend and truly listening to what's in their heart. Her poems offer deep insight into this woman's tender heart as well as her personal history. Almost like a well-written diary, this is a glimpse of a real human experience that is rarely shared in such a vulnerable way, much less published. Her love of her mother and other loved ones resonates with any reader who has lost a treasured person. I highly recommend, and intend to gift it to anyone in my own life who needs some comfort in a time of deep grief." Kelly N.
The Reverend Annette L. Haak – is a Spiritualist Teacher, Medium and Healer. Annette has provided Wisconsin services and readings for the First Spiritualist Church of West Allis, and the Wonewoc Spiritualist Camp. In addition, she has served the Golden Rule in Michigan, Mississippi Valley Spiritualist Association in Iowa and the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.
Kathryn Nicholson, you are amazing! Without you there would be no book! Thank you for your constant support, guidance and especially for your post event notes taken in shorthand!!! I love you so very much.
Pictured above is Todd Kaiser, thank you for your friendship and comradery over the years! It isn't an event unless you are in attendance my dear friend! To all of my other amazing friends who also braved the weather and constantly support my work I love you all.
"Deb did an author visit at our library and gave a wonderful presentation." Kara Ripley Adult Services & Outreach Librarian, Oregon Public Library. located at 256 Brook St.
Oregon, WI 53575
To Kara & Team, News of your new library building is exciting but your current place is so special, thank you so much for sharing it with me. Deb
I want to thank everyone who came out to meet me at Rosie's in Monona, thank you Coz for hosting this event!! BTW that's Coz on the right! My dear friend, Janet Kjelland, is on the left, guess that leaves me in the middle LOL
I am so excited about my beautiful family this young lady is my niece, Courtney Rosman, and I adore the fact she came out to my event which means the world to me, thank you so much!
Thank you for always being so supportive of my work, how fortunate I am to call you friend!
If you missed our livestream event alas it is never too late with YouTube! Kelly Burr, my dear friend, is a brilliant new playwriter so please check this out and then share!
I first wrote to understand my own grief and to self sooth my loses. Then I wrote for friends to let them know they are not alone and provide a journal. Now I'm creating the Journey Edition slotted for 2022. In the meantime click on the link below to purchase the Journal edition and let the healing begin
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